Inflatable Seal and Clamp Configurations
Inflatable seals and clamps are typically supplied as one of four different configuration types – circular, rectangular, straight, and U-shaped. Individual seals can be supplied as continuous loops for axial or radial expansion, in strip form with specially sealed ends, in “U” or similar shapes with preformed corners, or as axially expanding rectangles. In many cases, our inflatable profiles will conform to the corners or radii of a given installation without the necessity for preforming or special molding, however, if the corners are tight then molding will most likely be required. Minimum bend diameter data for circular seals and radius corner data for rectangular seals are available for each of our profiles in the Pneuma-Seal Standards section. Below are pictorial representations of the most common inflatable seal configurations we offer.
Circular Inflatable Seal Configurations

Circular Outward Expansion
This is a very common configuration and is our preference with circular designs. The part is built as a continuous loop (with air connector) and typically installed into a channel with the inside diameter (ID) as the fixed dimension.

Circular Inward Expansion
It’s very difficult for many of our Q profiles to expand inward without wrinkling, but they can do it as long as the diameters are generous. Expansion inward parts are built as a continuous loop (with air connector) and typically installed into a channel with the outside diameter (OD) as the fixed dimension.

Circular Axial Expansion
This is another common configuration for circular parts (hopper seals, etc.). With this design, we may specially form the part or, if the diameter is large, will make it endless with the understanding that it will be bonded in place or mechanically retained in some fashion (see retention systems). For this configuration, the centerline diameter (CL) is fixed.
Rectangular Inflatable Seal Configurations

Rectangular Outward Expansion
This is a very common configuration and is our preference with rectangular designs (i.e. inflatable door seals). The part is built as a continuous loop (with air connector) and typically installed into a channel with the inside diameter (ID) as the fixed dimension. Please keep in mind that we don’t offer square or tightly radiused corners which can expand outward.

Rectangular Inward Expansion
It’s very difficult for many of our Q profiles to expand inward without wrinkling, but they can do it as long as the corner radii are generous. Expansion inward parts are built as a continuous loop (with air connector) and typically installed into a channel with the outside diameter (OD) as the fixed dimension. Please keep in mind that we don’t offer square or tightly radiused corners which can expand inward.

Rectangular Axial Expansion
This is another common configuration for rectangular parts (i.e. sliding door seals). With this design, we may specially form the part or, if the diameter is large, will make it endless with the understanding that it will be bonded in place or mechanically retained in some fashion (see retention systems). For this configuration, the centerline diameter (CL) is fixed.
Straight Inflatable Seal and Clamp Configurations

Straight Inflatable Seals and Clamps
Profiles supplied in a straight configuration are most commonly used as clamps or actuators. Please note that when we supply these products straight, the ends are vulcanized in the deflated condition and don’t expand. The amount of dead area depends on the profile and is listed per profile. We also offer several retention systems which work well with straight parts.
U-Shaped Inflatable Seal Configurations

U-Shaped Outward Expansion
Tis is a very common configuration and is our preference with U-shaped designs (i.e. inflatable gate seals). The part is built in the straight configuration (with air connector) and typically installed into a channel with the inside dimensions (ID) fixed. Note that when we supply these products U-shaped, the ends are vulcanized in the deflated condition and don’t expand. The amount of un-inflated area depends on the profile and will be listed on the configuration details sheet.

U-Shaped Inward Expansion
It’s very difficult for many of our Q profiles to expand inward without wrinkling, but they can do it as long as the corner radii are generous. Expansion inward U-shapes are built in the straight configuration (with air connector) and typically installed into a channel with the outside dimensions (OD) fixed. Note that when we supply these products U-shaped, the ends are vulcanized in the deflated condition and don’t expand. The amount of un-inflated area depends on the profile and will be listed on the configuration details sheet.

U-Shaped Axial Expansion
With axially expanding U-shapes, we may specially form the part or, if the diameter is large, will make it straight with the understanding that it will be bonded in place or mechanically retained in some fashion (see retention systems). For this configuration, the centerline dimensions (CL) are fixed. Please note that when we supply these products U-shaped, the ends are vulcanized in the deflated condition and don’t expand. The amount of dead area depends on the profile and is listed on the configuration details sheet.